> Jammy Bullfrog: February 2015


Saturday, 28 February 2015



What a scrummy word.  No, it's not short for strawberry crumble.

It's a made up word that describes unstructured 'do as the fancy takes you' crochet.  Otherwise known as 'Freeform'.

It's a way of incorporating lots of different stitches in one piece.

Because it is unstructured, it is almost impossible to create any kind of instruction for it.  You can just start and see where it goes.  It kind of takes on a life of its own.

I've been playing......

It's such fun.

Haven't a clue what I will do with it.... :0)

Friday, 27 February 2015

Quick n easy crochet slip stitch start

Every time I watch a crochet demo on the web it is started with a very fiddly twiddly slip stitch.

A winding around the fingers, pull it through kind of fiddly.

Makes me want to shout at the screen kind of fiddly.

There is a much quicker and easier way.

Thread the yarn through your fingers as you would for normal crocheting.

Leave about a two inch end dangling between your thumb and index finger.  Put the end of your hook under the taut yarn between the next two fingers and twist the hook around one full turn.  Hold the twist, then pull a loop through.  Pull it tight.  Slip stitch made and you are ready to go.

No fuss, no faff, no fiddle.  The more you do it, the faster you can get....

Hope that helps...